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BLOG:  What Will YOU Do?

Love Your Life Blog

Happy 2018!


We’d love to know….Was 2017 great and you want more of that in 2018? Maybe 2017 was tough and you are happy that it’s behind you now. Or perhaps it was average and much like many of your other years and you got by ok. Wherever you are in the spectrum just consider for a moment….


What will you do with this new and precious year?


I have made it a tradition to do something the first few weeks of January that stretch me out of my Comfort Zone (CZ). You have heard this before: there is NO Growth in the CZ so it behooves each of us to consider this is we want to live fully and be wildly successful on our terms.


Some years I wrote letters or made phone calls to people I had lost track of that were once very important in my life, or that I had a disagreement with and needed to mend the relationship. Sometimes it was the opposite and required me to let go of people, places or things I had outgrown.


A number of years it was getting real with myself about what wasn’t working in my life and spending time doing some soul searching and asking for guidance to move forward so that the precious year stretching out ahead was reflective of my true desires.


This year I looked at all the books and material I have accumulated that I committed to reading, studying and implementing. My gaze fell on one book that I have always meant to dive into. So I committed to A Course in Miracles that requires me to study everyday for 365 days if I am going to do it right and reap the benefits. In the first chapter I already knew I was stretching out of my CZ when I read:


 “Miracles are habits and should be involuntary. They should not be under conscious control. Consciously selecting miracles can be misguided. Miracles are natural. When they do not occur something has gone wrong…


Intellectually I believe that miracles happen all the time and that there is no order of difficulty-a small miracles is just as easy to manifest as a larger one as spirit does not know the difference. However, I have not always practiced this so it is more of a thought and not fully integrated into my life (yet). I have been disappointed when things didn’t turn out a certain way or in a certain time frame. Sometimes I couldn't wrap my head around something that I perceived as really BIG even though I desired it. Because I didn’t believe it could happen it couldn’t manifest.


Maybe some of you can relate!


As I study and apply the 365 lessons I am certain I will be challenged and will decide to make changes in how I perceive things as I stretch outside of my CZ. I may need support from my mentors and mastermind partners when the going gets tough.


This is pretty much the truth for all of us…we will be challenged if we make the choice to step out of our CZ for the sake of living fully in order to be wildly successful on our terms.


So where do you need to stretch to make 2018 your best year yet?


Please let us know so we can hold the intention for you.


Many Blessings,


Valerie and Michael

PS-How can we help you? Every month we carve out a number of slots to discuss your specific questions and concerns. These complimentary Needs Discovery Sessions can support you to go from “feeling stuck” to being empowered. Sign up HERE

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