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Courageous Loving Couples:  From Ordinary to Extraordinary


Do you sometimes feel misunderstood by your partner and how you communicate together?


Are you are often frustrated, angry and/or sad because you don’t know what to do to re-create the bond you once had; in fact you may wonder if that’s possible anymore?


Are you at an impasse in some key areas in your relationship and keep re-hashing issues without any resolution?


There is hope.

If you are currently feeling discouraged and dissatisfied in your relationship, take heart because there is something you can do and it will create momentum and could transform things if you are willing, open and ready for powerful results.


In The Courageous Loving E-book you will learn 3 foundational principles to support you in:

  • Getting greater clarity on your relationship vision…

  • Learning more about yourself as a unique, divine expression that you are…

  • Re-discovering your amazing partner…

  • Knowing and appreciating your differences and each others blind spots…

  • And more…


This E-book includes Valerie’s Relationship Vision form and her Strengths, Wins and Core Values handout PLUS a Partners Johari Window Exercise. All these exercises are designed to get you thinking differently about yourself and your partner while experiencing more clarity and direction.


Where do I start?

When you sign up you will get our FREE e-Book, Courageous Loving. In addition, you will receive the FREE monthly newsletter and weekly blog. You will get strategies and practices that we personally used to dramatically improve our own relationship and it has helped many others to do the same.


Your eBook should be delivered within the hour.  If you do not receive it please contact us HERE.



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